Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 11th. August 2022 in the Upstairs Room of the Wheel Public House, Leek Road, Longsdon at 7.00pm.

Present: Councillor J. Sargeant (Chair).

Councillors S. Dickinson, R. Lovell & K. Shaw.

In Attendance: John Bourne, Clerk to the Council.

27/22 Apologies for Absence.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor T. Beastall & District Councillor N. Hawkins.

28/22 Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest at this point.

29/22 Chairman’s Address.

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting on an oppressively hot evening.

He reported that the Exemption Certificate had been sent to the External Auditor and the Annual Governance Statement and Accountability Statements had been duly published on the web site together with the Notice of the period for the exercise of public rights to allow members of the public to inspect or make copies of the Council’s accounts.

Thanks were expressed to the Financial Officer (John Bourne) for his work in preparing the documents.

At the last meeting of the Council the Council’s Risk Assessment was reviewed and the website has now been updated to record that.

He also mentioned that Mrs. Christine Weston, wife of ex Councillor, the late, Richard Weston had sadly passed away in July so it’s been another difficult time for the family.

30/22 Public Comments.

There was no business under this item.

31/22 Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting.

The minutes of the meeting held on 23rd.June 2022 had been circulated and it was agreed that the minutes be signed as a true copy.

32/22 Matters Arising.

(a) Applications for Co-opted Councillors.

One application for co-option had been received from Conor Hogan of Leek Old Road. After a ballot was taken it was unanimously agreed to co-opt him onto the Council It was agreed to advertise the remaining vacancy again.

(b) Memorial Seat.

This matter was still on hold due to an overarching family problem. This to be discussed at the next meeting.

(c) The replacement defibrillator pads had been received and fitted.

Since then a notice had been received stating that the defibrillator machine required a software update. The machine had been arranged for collection on 9th. September 2022 and would be absent for two / three days.

(d) The lengthsman had been instructed to attend to overgrown vegetation in various locations.

(e) HGV Signs in Park Lane – Cheddleton Parish Council.

A reply stating that Longsdon Parish Council did not wish to contribute to a feasibility study on the matter together with a history of Longsdon Parish Council’s involvement with the signs in 2011/2012 had been sent.

An acknowledgement had been received.

33/22 Other Business.

(a) Website Contract.

The Chairman reminded Councillors that the contract was actually in his name and he paid the fees privately by credit card and then the Council reimbursed him. It was agreed that the contract should be transferred to the Council after enquires at the Council’s bank as to whether Direct Debits were allowed on its account.

(b) Lengthsman.

Two further problems with overgrowth in Sutherland Road would be reported to him.

(c) Seat in Sutherland Road.

It was reported that the seat and back wooden bars were beginning to show signs of rot. It was agreed that these be replaced with oak bars from a local supplier.

(d) Narrowing of the Tow Path on the Leek Arm of the Caldon Canal.

It was reported that various overgrowths had made the tow path dangerously narrower between the bridges on Denford Road and Sutherland Road. This matter to be reported to the Canals & Rivers Trust.

(e) Staffs. Moorlands Parish Assembly.

The Chair thanked Councillor Shaw for attending the last meeting of the Assembly. The names of the Council’s representatives would need to be updated to include Councillor Dickinson.

(f) Road Safety on A53 Leek Road, Longsdon.

It was agreed to write to the Technical Support Officer of Staffs. County Council to enquire what, if any, promised enforcement action had been taken on the matter since Councillor Lovell had raised the issue with her between January and May this year.

34/22 Correspondence.

Already distributed to Councillors :-

Staffs. Police Launches Local Policing with Communities.

Have your say on Local Policing from the Staffordshire Commissioner.

The following were reported:-

A mini Polling Places Review by Staffs. Moorlands District Council had taken place but Longsdon Parish was not included.

The appointment arrangements of the SAAA Central External Auditor had been received but it was agreed to carry on with the current arrangement and no action was necessary.


35/22 Planning Matters.

The following planning applications were discussed and it was agreed that no objections, subject to normal planning guidelines, would be recorded to:

SMD/2022/0187 Construction of Building for Storage adjacent to Garden Area at Thorn Tree Farm.

Leek Old Road, Longsdon.

SMD/2022/0421 Replacement of Existing Brick Extension to Farmhouse with Stone Extension at Stone Barn Farm, Sutherland Road, Longsdon.

SMD/2022/0429 Extension, Alterations of Balcony / Terrace & Replacement Windows at Willowbrook, Micklea Lane, Longsdon.


36/22 Finance Matters.

(a) The External Audit Exemption Certificate had been forwarded and receipt acknowledged.

(b) A quarterly Statement of Account was issued to Councillors.

A question was asked if any S137 payments had been requested. None reported.

(c) Orders for Payment.

It was agreed that the following items be paid:

Recipient Amount Reason
John Sargeant. £ 11.98 Paid to Ionos (Two Months Web Page Charges).
J. A. Gibson. £ 150.00 Agency Work.
Information Commissioner. £ 40.00 Data Protection Fee.
John Bourne. ( £ 458.07 Clerk’s Salary & Expenses (Nett).
  £ 57.00 Debrillator Pads.
H.M.Revenue &Customs £ 26.60 P.A.Y.E.
The Wheel. £ 25.00 Room Hire.

37/22 Public Comments.

There was no business under this item.

38/22 Items for Inclusion in the Agenda for the Next Meeting.

Discussion on Land for Parish Purposes.

39/22 Date of Next Meeting.

The date of the next meeting was arranged for Thursday 29th. September 2022 at 7.00pm in the upstairs room of the Wheel Public House, Leek Road, Longsdon.