Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 6th. May 2021 Remotely via Zoom.


Meeting Details


Councillor J. Sargeant (Chair).
Councillors C. Hawthorne, R. Lovell & D. Sargeant..


In Attendance:

One Member of the Public.
John Bourne, Clerk to the Council


1. Election of Chairman.

Councillor J. Sargeant was elected Chairman for the coming year.

2. Apologies for Absence.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors T. Beastall and K. Shaw & District Councillor N. Hawkins.

3. Election of Vice Chairman.

Councillor Richard Lovell was elected as Vice Chairman.

4. Appointment of Responsible Financial Officer..

Clerk to the Council was re-appointed as the Responsible Financial Officer,

5. Appointment of Representatives to Staffs. Moorlands Parish Assembly (2).

Councillors J. Sargeant and K. Shaw re re-appointed as the representatives.

6. Appointment of Representative to Longsdon Memorial Hall Management Committee.

Councillor C. Hawthorne was appointed as the Council’s representative.

7. Matters Arising.

There were no matters arising.

8. Other Business.

The Council’s Risk Assessment Policy, which was listed on the Council’s website, had been reviewed. It was agreed that the Policy should be retained with no changes.

At this point Councillor D. Sargeant tendered her resignation from the Council due to pressure from her work employment.
Councillors were extremely sorry to hear this. The matter would be discussed at the following Parish Council Meeting.