Minutes of Meeting held in St. Chad’s Church Room on Tuesday 30th. June 2015.

Present: Councillor J. Sargeant (Chair).

Councillors L. Bills, T. Beastall, R. P. A. Lovell, C. Taylor & S. R. Weston.

District Councillor N. Hawkins.

In Attendance: John Bourne, Clerk to the Council.

14/15. Apologies for Absence.

There were no apologies for absence.

15/15. Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest at this point.

16/15. Chairman’s Address.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Bills for preparing the meeting room.

17/15. Public Comments.

District Councillor Norma Hawkins outlined the details of the plan for twenty houses to be built in Longsdon which formed part of between 5,500 and 6,000 houses to be built in Staffs. Moorlands area between 2011 to 2031. She pointed out that the public must give its views on the matter with the Parish Council co-ordinating consultations in the parish. She suggested that Longsdon should provide a maximum of ten houses which could be provided by infill. Possible sites in the School Lane or Dunwood Lane areas appeared to have been ignored. She offered to help with the project.

It was agreed that a flier be produced and delivered to houses in the parish to inform residents of the proposals and arrange for a meeting with the public possibly in the Memorial Hall to give out information and collect opinions. In further discussion it was agreed that the public meeting could be held in the Church Room on the same evening as the next Council meeting.

18/15. Minutes of Last Meeting.

The minutes of the meeting held on 14th. May 2015 had been circulated and it was agreed that they be signed as a true and correct record.

19/15. Matters Arising.

Councillor Taylor gave details of a “Heart Start” Programme meeting to be held on Saturday 11th. July 2015 from 10-00am until 12-00 noon in the Longsdon Memorial Hall to give details on the use of the defibrillator. Posters were also being produced.

The defibrillator had been registered with the Ambulance Service and was now operational. Members of the public could dial 999 and would then be given the number of the lock to open the cabinet. It was again suggested that the digital number to open the cabinet should be made available to members of the Memorial Hall etc.

Contact had again been made with the Planning Enforcement Department of Staffs. Moorlands District Council regarding the issue with the property in Sutherland Road. A reply reported that contact would be made with the owner.

An e.mailed reply regarding the sunken kerb, damage to grass verges and loose direction signs had been received from Staffs. C. C. The matters would be investigated, County Councillor G. Heath had been informed of work for the Highways Team and also of the need for the poles and lights of the pedestrian crossing in Leek Road to be cleaned.

The complaint about inaction over the collapsing roadway verge into a water course on Dunwood Lane at Lyme House Farm, Dunwood Lane had also been reported to her.

It was reported that:

the replacement post box in Sutherland Road was now operational.

the damaged cast iron cover over a water main stop cock in Denford Road had been replaced.

the Memorial Hall Committee had been informed of the Council’s representative on the Committee.

20/15. Correspondence.

The Purchase Order for the lengthsman’s agreement had been received from Staffs. County Council.

The sum allocated was £699 – 00, the same as last year.

Letter had been received from Leek United Building Society asking for confirmation that the Council’s budget did not exceed €500,000 (£396,950) in order to be eligible for the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. This had duly been confirmed.

Request for the names and addresses of the Parish representatives on the Moorlands Parish Assembly had been received. This had been duly returned.

Other information received under this item was:

Highway Maintenance Review from Staffs. County Council – to be completed.

Proposed Changes to the Mobile & Travelling Library Service – notice of consultation from Staffs C.C.

The New Minerals Local Plan for Staffs. (2015 -2030) Final Draft.

Clerks & Councils Direct – July 15 issue.

21/15. Planning Matters.

There was no business under this item.

22/15. Finance Matters.

The quotation from Zurich Insurance in the sum of £301 – 35 had been perused by the Chair and Vice Chair and a cheque had been sent and confirmation of renewal received.

Further details of the changes being made to the auditing system of small Parish Councils with a turnover of less than £25,000 – 00 under the Transparency Code. The Council’s Standing Orders would be amended accordingly.

A report had been received from the Council’s internal Auditor which stated that he had worked to the requirements outlined in Section 4 of the Annual Return and also the suggested approach in the Governance and Accountability Practitioner’s Guide. He had found that the Council’s internal checking and control measures in place were effective and the records and accounts were maintained to a high standard and were in good order. There were no matters which needed to be brought to the attention of the Council.

The Annual Return had been completed using the figures audited by the internal auditor. It was agreed to approve the Annual Accounts and the Annual Return was duly signed accordingly.


23/15. Orders for Payment.

It was unanimously agreed that the following items be paid:-

Recipient Amount Reason
The P.C.C. of St. Chad’s Church. £25.00 Room Hire.
A. Bridgwood. £308.13 Agency Work.
D. Ingman. £52.00 Internal Audit Fee.
John Bourne. £312.43 Clerk’s Salary & Expenses (nett).
H. M. Revenue & Customs. £60.00 P. A. Y. E.

24/15. Public Comment.

There was no business under this item.

25/15. Any Other Business.

The following items to be reported to;

Staffs C. C. Deep pothole in Denford Road, faded amber globes on Belisha beacons on the pedestrian crossing on the A53 and the unsatisfactory surface of Leek Old Road.

Moorlands D.C. Damage to bus shelter on A53 opposite the old New Inn site.

Dead trees in Sutherland Road – previously reported.

Lengthsman Cut grass verge Denford Road, opposite the old New Inn site.

Paint the Coronation seat in Micklea Lane.

It was agreed that Proctor’s Nursery be asked to summer plant the village tubs.

Councillor Lovell gave a report on the last meeting of Longsdon Memorial Hall Management Committee.

A question was asked about the expiry date for the grant from CVLLP for the new seat on the canal towpath. This information to be checked.

26/14. Date of Next Meeting.

The next meeting of the Council will be held at 7-00p.m. on Thursday 20th. August 2015 at St. Chad’s Church Room, Leek Road, Longsdon.